I got tagged twice! Once by methadonepretty and once by Elainael. Thanks guys!
Here are my 20 fascinating [no, really] facts.
1. I used to be really narrow-minded about music, and now I wonder WHY the hell I was like that. I adore ALL kinds of music now, in fact, I don't think there's a genre I really hate. Just certain artists that I don't like.
2. There are a few certain types of food I could live on all day, every day. Those are: Spaghetti Bolognese, Stew & Dumplings and Roast Chicken with Sage & Onion stuffing. There's probably one more that I forgot. XD
3. I love my work. It's the best job I've ever had, and I don't know what I'd do if it closed down. I teach computing to beginners, intermediates and a few advanced people.
4. I hardly ever watch TV. I don't really watch movies on DVD at home either. The only time I'll ever watch DVDs is if a movie I loved in the cinema has just come out, or if someone makes me. I never used to even go to the cinema when I was younger. I've now, thankfully been corrupted and go almost every week. But yes... I really don't like watching TV.
5. I have a fear of telephones and doorbells. I will never answer the door, even if I know who it is. And I HATE answering and talking on the phone.
6. I was obsessed with my ex for years and years. He used to be my best friend, and then we kinda went our seperate ways during high school. I began to be really obsessed with him to a scary point.
7. I definitely believe in love at first sight. I knew the moment I met Jenni that something big was going to happen, and it did. I also believe in angels and demons, and other such stuff.
8. My hair has been possibly every single color in the spectrum in some form or another, and one time, all at once!
9. I have a photographic memory when it comes to lyrics and movie scripts. I can memorize most of a movie script the second time I watch it. People I watch movies with get really pissed off cuz I'm always saying what the characters are gonna say. XD Lyrics are the same. I can hear a song twice or so and remember most of the lyrics.
Unfortunately I can never remember really important things.
10. I am not at all punctual. I'd be late for my own funeral.
11. Linkin Park is my favourite band of all time, and always will be, no matter what. I fell in love with Chester Bennington around 4 years ago and am still falling every day. It went beyond a simple crush a long time ago. I'm serious. Ask anyone!
12. Ah twelve. I have 12 characters altogether whom I draw on a regular basis. They each have their own personalites and background stories. You can see and read about all of them [apart from my newest one] at http://www.geocities.com/xdisintegrate
13. Speaking of art, I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil. I used to draw a lot of Sonic and The Lion King. [My favourite Disney movie btw.]
14. My taste in guys is usually: Colorfully dyed hair [or just plain black], glasses, piercings, tattoos, skinny and short [although I may make exceptions]. I love anyone who can make me laugh and who's into the things that I'm into. My taste in girls is pretty much the same as guys. XD Apart from the skinny bit. I love a curvy girl.
15. I still live with my parents. I pay them rent, and I do appreciate them very much.
16. I don't have that many close friends in real life. More like, a hell of a lot of acquaintances. My friends tend to live a while away from me, which sucks.
17. I used to be Obsessive Compulsive, like opening and closing doors loads of times just to make sure they were really shut, or checking every single plug twice to see if it was turned off. Thankfully I got out of that a few years ago.
18. I collect squirrels. Not real ones.
Small figures of them. I have tons of them. Squirrels are one of my favourite animals along with cheetahs.
19. About 7 years ago, an old friend and I tried to poison someone we didn't like, twice, using some chemicals we stole from our chemistry lesson. Luckily it wasn't life threatening chemicals that we stole, but we were unsuccessful anyway.
20. My nickname has been Red for as long as I can remember. I got it purely for the fact that my favourite color is red. Later on it was because I used to role play as Red XIII from FF7 on a chat room. Then more recently, obviously it was because of my red hair.
The 'derz' part of my name was added because the name Red was already taken on the Linkin Park forums 4 years ago. I've been 'redderz' ever since!
And I'll tag...

Here are my 20 fascinating [no, really] facts.
1. I used to be really narrow-minded about music, and now I wonder WHY the hell I was like that. I adore ALL kinds of music now, in fact, I don't think there's a genre I really hate. Just certain artists that I don't like.
2. There are a few certain types of food I could live on all day, every day. Those are: Spaghetti Bolognese, Stew & Dumplings and Roast Chicken with Sage & Onion stuffing. There's probably one more that I forgot. XD
3. I love my work. It's the best job I've ever had, and I don't know what I'd do if it closed down. I teach computing to beginners, intermediates and a few advanced people.
4. I hardly ever watch TV. I don't really watch movies on DVD at home either. The only time I'll ever watch DVDs is if a movie I loved in the cinema has just come out, or if someone makes me. I never used to even go to the cinema when I was younger. I've now, thankfully been corrupted and go almost every week. But yes... I really don't like watching TV.
5. I have a fear of telephones and doorbells. I will never answer the door, even if I know who it is. And I HATE answering and talking on the phone.
6. I was obsessed with my ex for years and years. He used to be my best friend, and then we kinda went our seperate ways during high school. I began to be really obsessed with him to a scary point.
7. I definitely believe in love at first sight. I knew the moment I met Jenni that something big was going to happen, and it did. I also believe in angels and demons, and other such stuff.
8. My hair has been possibly every single color in the spectrum in some form or another, and one time, all at once!
9. I have a photographic memory when it comes to lyrics and movie scripts. I can memorize most of a movie script the second time I watch it. People I watch movies with get really pissed off cuz I'm always saying what the characters are gonna say. XD Lyrics are the same. I can hear a song twice or so and remember most of the lyrics.
Unfortunately I can never remember really important things.
10. I am not at all punctual. I'd be late for my own funeral.
11. Linkin Park is my favourite band of all time, and always will be, no matter what. I fell in love with Chester Bennington around 4 years ago and am still falling every day. It went beyond a simple crush a long time ago. I'm serious. Ask anyone!
12. Ah twelve. I have 12 characters altogether whom I draw on a regular basis. They each have their own personalites and background stories. You can see and read about all of them [apart from my newest one] at http://www.geocities.com/xdisintegrate
13. Speaking of art, I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil. I used to draw a lot of Sonic and The Lion King. [My favourite Disney movie btw.]
14. My taste in guys is usually: Colorfully dyed hair [or just plain black], glasses, piercings, tattoos, skinny and short [although I may make exceptions]. I love anyone who can make me laugh and who's into the things that I'm into. My taste in girls is pretty much the same as guys. XD Apart from the skinny bit. I love a curvy girl.
15. I still live with my parents. I pay them rent, and I do appreciate them very much.
16. I don't have that many close friends in real life. More like, a hell of a lot of acquaintances. My friends tend to live a while away from me, which sucks.
17. I used to be Obsessive Compulsive, like opening and closing doors loads of times just to make sure they were really shut, or checking every single plug twice to see if it was turned off. Thankfully I got out of that a few years ago.
18. I collect squirrels. Not real ones.

19. About 7 years ago, an old friend and I tried to poison someone we didn't like, twice, using some chemicals we stole from our chemistry lesson. Luckily it wasn't life threatening chemicals that we stole, but we were unsuccessful anyway.
20. My nickname has been Red for as long as I can remember. I got it purely for the fact that my favourite color is red. Later on it was because I used to role play as Red XIII from FF7 on a chat room. Then more recently, obviously it was because of my red hair.

And I'll tag...
i love their music..
*fact 2* i could eat spaghetti bolognese all day every day too.. coz it's so yummy!