Gahh, my face hurts (ok, fuck y'all for thinking of the 'it's killing me' joke) Well, the left side of my face, my jaw os very sorry, especially when I talk or eat and my ear is sore, with occasional sharp pains. I don't think I have an ear infection because I don't feel ill. I called of work yesterday because it was pretty bad and just stayed in all day. I am bummed at missed evilnicole's B-day party, I am sure I am about to read how fun it was. That is now 2 SG events I have missed in a row, fuck. Such is life. My apartment hunt continues, I endured that pain (with help from lots of alieve) and went to work and out looking at apartments. There is a 2 bedroom on Ellsworth I might get, I will have to see. I am getting stir crazy living here, away from my social center, and without a car, this is sucking a bit.
More Blogs
Tuesday Aug 26, 2003
My canary Eurypides died today I cam home from work and the poor t… -
Friday Aug 08, 2003
I was hoping to see people last night at 80's night, but alas , no on… -
Thursday Jul 10, 2003
So, I went to the Foo Fighters show last night, and I could SWEAR Dav… -
Sunday Jun 29, 2003
I have finally moved, thank god...I just got my internet back up now … -
Monday Jun 16, 2003
Yeah, I really need to update this shit more. Spent the weekend in t… -
Tuesday May 27, 2003
My Weekend in review, if anyone gives a fly rats ass fuck... Thursda… -
Tuesday May 20, 2003
Hmmm...I reall need to update this shit more often. I am currently g… -
Monday May 05, 2003
I have survived White Limo Night 2003. Now, you may ask, what is WLN… -
Tuesday Apr 22, 2003
Just in a funk again. Ups and Downs are getting annoying, I would kin… -
Monday Apr 14, 2003
Ok, that was two very intense yet fun weekends, with very little rest…
to 80's that is...
[Edited on Mar 19, 2003]