Blah, I am going through a bout of the post drinking binge depression. 3 nights in a row might be becoming a bit much. Last night was cool, got to say hi to dolorian and invaderkim at ceremony. There where a couple of people that I wanted to say hi to that weren't there, but I will just catch them some other time. At a bit after 12 Mick, Brian, and myself rolled to a 'sexual fantasy' party, where people came dressed as a sexual fantasy. It was interesting and I had a blast. Ran around nekkid for a bit, drank more (too much) and talked to some new and interesting people (some of them while nekkid). The we hit Eat N Park and I ate like a glutton, but I think that helped me avoid the hangover this morning, But, I need to start chilling a bit. The beer and late night Eat N Park runs are putting on too much weight and costing too much money, I will have to work on being a good boy...sorta. All in all it was a very fun night, and after a nap the funk should go away too.
WHere the fuck were these ops when I was looking to intern? I had a good internship but THAT would kick ass...
just a thought after reading your fave list...