Well, I ended up at Ceremony last night, just in time for all of the Police, Narcs, and LCB people to raid it. The lights came on and Case and I played cards for an hour waiting for them to let us out. The bitch of it was, they made them stop selling drinks.
It was kind of funny, if you wanted to hold some place up, last night would have been the night. I think every cop in the area was there, Forbes between Myran and Atwood was completely blocked off and was filled with cop cars, paddy wagons, Narc vans, and drug sniffing dogs. People in the club where getting so completely paranoid. Of course, the fact that Case and I where laughing loudly at the situation probably didn't help ease their anxiety. Ithink the main target was hip-hop night, and the hit Ceremony to make sure no one snuck down.

It was kind of funny, if you wanted to hold some place up, last night would have been the night. I think every cop in the area was there, Forbes between Myran and Atwood was completely blocked off and was filled with cop cars, paddy wagons, Narc vans, and drug sniffing dogs. People in the club where getting so completely paranoid. Of course, the fact that Case and I where laughing loudly at the situation probably didn't help ease their anxiety. Ithink the main target was hip-hop night, and the hit Ceremony to make sure no one snuck down.
And, yeah, describing yourself as the chick Mikey hit on is vague, if you are attractive, Mikey will hit on you.