I hate my ex-girlfriend so much. She's type who always has to have the last word regardless of how ignorant and ridiculous she sounds. She sickens me. If she is doing something that I don't agree with, and I say something to her about it, she starts yelling and screaming regardless of if she is right or wrong. How dare she degrade me my yelling at me in my own home because I caught her doing something I hate, divulging my personal business to someone else that I barely trust. All I ask is that people not spill my personal business to people, let me tell them myself if they need to be told. These fucking bitches are thinking I'm asleep and whispering about me, then when I say, "what was that you said?" the bitch starts screaming at me like I did something wrong. I can feel the rage and hatred begin to swell up in my soul, suppressing it is the hardest thing. I just wanna cut her tongue out and staple her lips shut, but then again, there's always karma. She'll get hers.