Ever thought about what your dirtiest (as in not clean) article of clothing is?

Is it the sock or stockings you have been wearing all day in your sweaty smelly shoe? Is it the jocks or knickers that touch your junk all day? Maybe the shirt you wear in extreme temps that has the sweat dripping down the back?

Nah, I reckon the dirtiest article...
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Surely someone has researched this no? I wear shorts year round, and my "belts" are actually part of the shorts now, so I'm good there. OWZAT!

Dilemma: Do you pull your pants up and then flush to indicate to possible waiters of the loo that you are done with the toilet OR do you flush then pull the pants on so you are still there in case a second flush is required to spare the next participant of the porcelain rodeo?

Pull pants up, flush, if needed pretend to blow your nose, then flush again.
Good option there @viridiana but if we were in the 80's, people may think you did some blow =P

...why if you add water to say, fruit juice it become watered down juice.......Why cant it be juiced down water?


Feeling crook as a dog so into bed to watch a movie. Have a craving for The Golden Child for some classic comedy action......only I don't have a copy BUT I do have Big Trouble in Little China

I'd call that a win.


Here it is. 2015 in all its glory.
I feel invigorated, motivated and ready to smash the new year. To achieve new goals, to actually stay with my New Year's resolutions, to....
oh look more beer....