Last night was aaaaawesome! My band had a last minute gig booked in a place we'd never heard of before.... picture a bar with as much space as ur average living room and then us with all our kit, picture it rammed with a crowd who don't know what to expect who have been lulled into a false sense of security by an earlier opening acoustic set, then KAPOW! lol Cue sweaty loud awesome-gig-ness!!! Everybody seemed to really enjoy it barring one woman who kept bugging us during the songs about it being too loud and anyone else who would listen to her =/ We assured her that in that size of venue deafening was as quiet as it got =] In the end she was holding up our last song talking into Keirs ear when he leans into the mic and shouts "If it's too loud, go home" and wallops straight into the Foo's "All My Life"! Cue a huge cheer and a perfect end to a cracking gig! (",)