So there I was, covered in whale blubber, which was the fashion at the time, wading knee deep in a pool filled with delicious almonds, when I suddenly had a sinking feeling that there was more to life then this.
More Blogs
Monday Nov 28, 2005
I haven't updated my page in a long time, but I find that I don't hav… -
Sunday Oct 16, 2005
Spent the day today building two coffins with my brother for Hallowee… -
Saturday Sep 24, 2005
They call me..... Dr. Zepto. I will conquer the world a sextillionth… -
Saturday Sep 03, 2005
This week was an interesting week. I lost a long time friend and com… -
Thursday Aug 11, 2005
I'm back and enjoying Suicidegirls once more! I was a member of Reun… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
So there I was, covered in whale blubber, which was the fashion at th… -
Sunday Jul 10, 2005
Well, I've moved into my new apartment! I am very excited to be livi… -
Thursday Jun 16, 2005
The other night leaving the martial arts school, I decided that I wou… -
Monday Jun 13, 2005
Just a short update, I'm getting dressed but haven't updated in a whi… -
Thursday Jun 02, 2005
Started the day by visiting the UWM library to pay up my fees. Ended…