Well here I am again... a single gal. I think I would stop dating if I didn't enjoy sex so much. Why does it take so long to figure out someone isn't right for you? I read somewhere that people are suppose to come into and out of your life to fullfill some need or purpose at that moment in time. Makes you wonder what...
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"I read somewhere that people are suppose to come into and out of your life to fullfill some need or purpose at that moment in time. Makes you wonder what everyone around you is for."

I was thinking the same thing today at work, but on a more theological level. I'm leaning toward the point that I believe most of the people who are in our lives are there just to be friends of friends of friends and eventually connecting to the few people who absolutely require this framework...but it's a long drawn-out thought process I'm working on here. Kind of like a Unified Theory of religion & faith...and I'm too tired for that right now.
Do you consider "single" and "alone" to be the same? The latter is only a state of mind...kinda like the half full/half empty glass. Hopefully, you learned from each person you've been with...learned what you like and don't like. It's just important that you don't stay in a relationship simply out of fear of loneliness or because of a sense of obligation to "settle down". I personally agree that everyone around me is there for a reason...in some cases, just because I want them around me. Sometimes I sit and scrutinize everyone and their "value"...the valuable ones stay and the others get shed away with my old skin. But like anything that sheds or molts, I end up just a bit better off...sometimes more colorful...sometimes larger...sometimes just repairing nicks and scrapes. Sorry, now I'm babbling... confused

It's only Tuesday...
yeah come on week hurry up.
come on weekend and pay day of course smile
>It's only Tuesday...

you'll be able to say that again in just 2 days smile