My life has been crazy busy! I had a good Thanksgiving, drove down to San Diego with my sister to see the rest of the family. It was fun taking a road trip just me and her . . . it was the first time just us. The conversation was good and I think it goes to show how much she and I have grown up, we are much closer than when we were kids and that makes me really happy. I started back at my old job last Tuesday, so now I'm working two jobs. I work about 60hr a week and don't have a day off till Christmas, but my old job needed help and I needed the money so that's how it goes. It really sucked however that I got sick that first week. I was feeling really crappy and having no time to rest only made it worse. I'm on the mend however. Now I just have this nasty cough that makes it hard to sleep. I think I hate thursdays the most! I work a double every Thursday. Like today for example I worked from 845-2 and then from 3-1130 and I have to be back at work at 9am . . . what a life. I just keep telling myself it's only for two months and when I get that paycheck it;s going to be worth it
Well I should really get to bed but I just thought I'd write a little update. Hope all of you are well!

....good to hear your still alive lady!
Oh neat - cool to find another Apple-employed SG fan in the area. Anyway, just saying hi!