I had a really awesome halloween! I made 20 gallons of jungle juice and just got really trashed! It was kinda weird cause this guys I liked and haven't talked to since he stood me up showed up to the party and that was kinda awkward. He said sorry and it's fine, but I still like him and wish I didn't cause I know he's not worth my time. Then there was this other guy who I can't even figure out and I guess I was really flirty and who knows. I'm not even sure what I want to do with him. I had round two the following night which was again fun, although a little awkward cause I had all three boys in the same room, however the one I really want left early. I don't know why I want this guy cause I know he's no good for me, but I just can't help it
alas . . . well here a few pictures from halloween.

Thanks for the BD wishes.