My week started out amazing and then kinda fizzled out. Sunday I had work, but when I got off I drove up to Santa Cruz to hang out with two of my friends. We were gonna grab dinner but by the time I got there everything was closed so we just got Popsicles instead. (I got a big stick and it brought back fond memories of high school when my best friend and I used to go get big sticks, roll our skirts up and head over to the all boy campus after we got out of school . . . those were the days) Then we went back to the house and smoked a few bowls. One of the guys had work in the morning so my other friend and I headed out, but we weren't ready to go home. We decided to walk to the beach (that's how close my friend lives, jealous). Stayed there for a while just watching the ocean and still we weren't ready to go home. Mind you this is at about 12:30. We hit up the gas station for munchies and gas before heading back to San Jose and the mountains . . . that was the next destination. We somehow just drove around some sketch mountain road when we decided we needed a new adventure. We were gonna go to Tahoe to see snow but decided to go get tacos . . . in mexico! We headed for the 101 South at about 2:30 and took turns driving all night. Smoked a few bowls, listened to some tunes and shared so little know life secrets. We got to San Diego at about 11 am. ( This for those of you who don't know is my home town). Didn't have my house keys because I no longer carry them around all the time and seeing as when I left for SC I never thought I'd end up in San Diego they were still in San Jose. So I knocked on the door, rang the door bell and called the phone and still my lazy sister didn't answer the door. I then knocked on her window and the look on her face when she opened the curtain was priceless. It was kinda a "What the fuck, why are you here?" look. I wish I'd got it on film. Hung out with her for a bit, went and saw my other sister and school, stopped by my mom's work, hit up the beach and then back home to see Dad. We were in San Diego for no more than 6 hours when we headed back for San Jose cause we both had work the next morning. Repeat trip home. Smoke a few bowls, listen to some music and share secrets. Much of this trip was documented on film and video which should be posted soon but here are just a few of the pics.
To I was supposed to be at work at 9am and slept through 2 alarms and 5 phone calls only to wake up at 11:30 and freak out about being late, sent me into an anxiety attack and went to the dr. Now I'm on xanex and I'm far less anxious but I don't want meds to be "normal" We'll see what my primary says tomorrow when I go to see her. And surprisingly my boss didn't yell at me, but I don't really care cause I think I'm leaving anyway. I had my interview with apple on Wednesday and I think it went really well, I'll let you all know. Then to today was just fucking hot as hell and I decided to start going to the gym again . . . mostly because I wanted to go swimming . . . we'll see how long it lasts. Tomorrow I have the day off and I think I'm going to the beach after the Dr. Hope you are all surviving the heat!

To I was supposed to be at work at 9am and slept through 2 alarms and 5 phone calls only to wake up at 11:30 and freak out about being late, sent me into an anxiety attack and went to the dr. Now I'm on xanex and I'm far less anxious but I don't want meds to be "normal" We'll see what my primary says tomorrow when I go to see her. And surprisingly my boss didn't yell at me, but I don't really care cause I think I'm leaving anyway. I had my interview with apple on Wednesday and I think it went really well, I'll let you all know. Then to today was just fucking hot as hell and I decided to start going to the gym again . . . mostly because I wanted to go swimming . . . we'll see how long it lasts. Tomorrow I have the day off and I think I'm going to the beach after the Dr. Hope you are all surviving the heat!
and yes, the sun and heat is terrible