Happy Star Wars day!!! I plan on going through the Star Wars robot chickens and the family guys. If I have time A New Hope. What are you doing on this glorious day?


So the trouble I've found here is that there are a few people here that say the tattoo shops around here suck and others that stand by their work. I'm starting to have tattoo withdraw. I wanna get more. I have a few ideas. The Apothic rose wine label would make a good tat. My last name begins with an "A". It'll look good.


So there is this girl. I mentioned to my work buddies once that I thought she is attractive (she's got amazing in light brown eyes, OMG). I finally got the nerve to ask her out. Her reply was "No. I have a boyfriend. But I would if I didn't." Now, to me that's completely useless information. I would have been happy with a "No." But...
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I've got my first nerd con in America!!! It's gonna be in Florida on June 28-29. I hope to meet the ever beautiful Heather1337 and Jennifer Ann. If there are any SuicideGirls in the area why don't you stop on by. You could help me with checking a mark off of my Bucket List of "meet a SuicideGirl"


so it's march now. I'm house sitting for my buddy I was deployed to Africa with. He's got three dogs. I watched all Marvel Studios movies for the avengers leading up to Thor:Dark World. As a nerd I love the care that has been given to these movies. I look forward to Cap2 and Guardians of the Galaxy.

My carbon fiber hood comes in on...
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in the words of the worst Star Wars character ever: MESA BACK!!! Also it is my 27th birthday today


gotta wait till next paycheck, but I'm definitely gonna re-up with SuicideGirls. You ladies are awesome. Nakedness and boobs aside, I don't feel like there is any judgement here. I can post whatever the fuck I want and not have friends or relatives cry foul. I feel I can be open here. Keep up the good work! Myself and the little guy thank you ;)


WATCHING TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES AND STILL ENJOYING IT. I'm talking the live action ones. Late 80s early 90s. Micheal Bay can go fuck himself.


Pittsburgh be like "I remember my first Super Bowl win."