so I saw the new Transformers today. As usual it being a MB it had a lot of explosion and unrealistically attractive women in it. It also got me prepared for what to expect from the new Ninja Turtles movie. Now being born in '87, I am young enough (and fortunate, and happy) to be around for the older live action movies. Some of you...
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Finally finished one of the biggest steps on my military career yesterday. I graduated ALS, Airman Leadership School, yesterday. On step closer to becoming a Staff Sergeant in the US Air Force. Fingers crossed results come out July 10!!!

Why thank you!!! I need to make this rank, so I can stay in. I want to, but with all of the downsizing taking place I'm not gonna lie, I a little worried.
* I am

going to the Ocala comic-con tomorrow!!! I hope to meet Heather1337 and Jennifer Ann there!!! Any of the Suicide Girls going?


Happy Star Wars day!!! I plan on going through the Star Wars robot chickens and the family guys. If I have time A New Hope. What are you doing on this glorious day?


So the trouble I've found here is that there are a few people here that say the tattoo shops around here suck and others that stand by their work. I'm starting to have tattoo withdraw. I wanna get more. I have a few ideas. The Apothic rose wine label would make a good tat. My last name begins with an "A". It'll look good.