im going to new york tomorrow! we're leaving really early in the morning
justin was offered the job in fairfield new jersey so we're going to new jersey tomorrow so that i can get a feel for the palce before he accepts the job. we're going to go to manhatten since i have never been there before and see time square and the guggenheim and maybe some other places as well...i'm excited.
i'm going to miss karaokee tomorrow. and i really miss my wonderful lucy-kins. but i'm sure it will be worth it.
indianapolis won the super bowl.
miss you bitches.
justin was offered the job in fairfield new jersey so we're going to new jersey tomorrow so that i can get a feel for the palce before he accepts the job. we're going to go to manhatten since i have never been there before and see time square and the guggenheim and maybe some other places as well...i'm excited.
i'm going to miss karaokee tomorrow. and i really miss my wonderful lucy-kins. but i'm sure it will be worth it.
indianapolis won the super bowl.
miss you bitches.
got the message from her, so you're all set. welcome to the group

i was hoping i didn't have MUCH competition...heh. :/