happy new years everyone! my plans for new years include painting my bedroom and possibly my bathroom as well. our landlord told me that whatever paint i buy he will re-imburse me as soon as i give him a receipt. sweeeeet! and what better time to do it than when i have three days off in a row. i've never really been a big fan of partying on new years. although i may go to london tomorrow night to visit my brother and hang out with him and some of his friends. we'll see...after being away so much and then working the past few days i really just want to stay home.
christmas was good but it was way to much travelling. lets see....we drove from scarborough to owensound, owensound to alymer, alymer to london, london to goderich, and then goderich back to toronto. phew. it was way to much visiting if you ask me. next year we are only going to go to one of our families places. they're going to have to get used to that.
i did manage to enjoy myself even though i had to deal with all the travelling and family. i had justin right next to me....plus i got spoiled rotten. my christmas present from justin was SUPPOSED to have been our trip to vancouver but he got me some other things as well still. we do stockings for each other and give each other special little things that we don't ever buy for each other...small luxery items if you will. i got justin a new day timer, some magazines, a couple of books and t-shirts, a beard trimmer and electric razor, a calander, an atlas, some face moistureizer and cleanser, axe body spray, gift certificates for eb games and some chocolate. he went all out for my stocking. he got me two lancome eye shadows, two opi nail polishes, tarte lipgloss, clinique moisturizer, body shop vanilla body lotion, cake peppermint lotion, a manicure and pedicure set from sephora's, gift certificates for the movies, AP magazine, a white toque from zara's, and a shirt from buffalo.
we got some really nice gifts from my family as well. my parents gave us gift certificates for chapters and canadian tire and my grandparents for us a new stainless steel microwave and two more pieces for the set of china that my grandma is starting for me. last year she got me a cake platter and this year she got my a sugar bowl and a creamer. i hope we get the plates and bowls for our wedding. fingers crossed*. from justins family we also a set of 3 frying pans, a roasting pan, a magic bullet blender thinger, one of those small portable hand held vaccume cleaners, gift certifactes for old navy and the bay.
justin got lots of stuff and he also got cash from his parents and we both got cash from his grandma so on the way home from goderich we decided to stop at ikea since they were haveing a boxing day sale. we bought the bed frame that we've been eyeing for the past 4 months. it's sooooo nice. it's black wrought iron. very pretty.
anywho...this is getting to be a long entry and i have things to do. i'm heading to canadian tire to pick up paint. i'll hav eto carry it home. good thing i've been using my gym membership and doing curls. thankfully canadian tire is less than a block away. i'm going to get chocolate brown glaze and do a faux leather finish technique over top of the beige colour that is already on the walls. i can't wait. maybe i'll post picutre of it all when i'm done.
happy new years to everyone again.
lots of love
christmas was good but it was way to much travelling. lets see....we drove from scarborough to owensound, owensound to alymer, alymer to london, london to goderich, and then goderich back to toronto. phew. it was way to much visiting if you ask me. next year we are only going to go to one of our families places. they're going to have to get used to that.
i did manage to enjoy myself even though i had to deal with all the travelling and family. i had justin right next to me....plus i got spoiled rotten. my christmas present from justin was SUPPOSED to have been our trip to vancouver but he got me some other things as well still. we do stockings for each other and give each other special little things that we don't ever buy for each other...small luxery items if you will. i got justin a new day timer, some magazines, a couple of books and t-shirts, a beard trimmer and electric razor, a calander, an atlas, some face moistureizer and cleanser, axe body spray, gift certificates for eb games and some chocolate. he went all out for my stocking. he got me two lancome eye shadows, two opi nail polishes, tarte lipgloss, clinique moisturizer, body shop vanilla body lotion, cake peppermint lotion, a manicure and pedicure set from sephora's, gift certificates for the movies, AP magazine, a white toque from zara's, and a shirt from buffalo.
we got some really nice gifts from my family as well. my parents gave us gift certificates for chapters and canadian tire and my grandparents for us a new stainless steel microwave and two more pieces for the set of china that my grandma is starting for me. last year she got me a cake platter and this year she got my a sugar bowl and a creamer. i hope we get the plates and bowls for our wedding. fingers crossed*. from justins family we also a set of 3 frying pans, a roasting pan, a magic bullet blender thinger, one of those small portable hand held vaccume cleaners, gift certifactes for old navy and the bay.
justin got lots of stuff and he also got cash from his parents and we both got cash from his grandma so on the way home from goderich we decided to stop at ikea since they were haveing a boxing day sale. we bought the bed frame that we've been eyeing for the past 4 months. it's sooooo nice. it's black wrought iron. very pretty.
anywho...this is getting to be a long entry and i have things to do. i'm heading to canadian tire to pick up paint. i'll hav eto carry it home. good thing i've been using my gym membership and doing curls. thankfully canadian tire is less than a block away. i'm going to get chocolate brown glaze and do a faux leather finish technique over top of the beige colour that is already on the walls. i can't wait. maybe i'll post picutre of it all when i'm done.
happy new years to everyone again.
lots of love
happy new year.
i wish my landlord was that awesome an not a fucking asshole