happy holidays to everyone! today is my last day of work and then i'm off for three days! woot woot!
tonight justin and i are going to my parents place and going to a christmas concert. tomorrow is christmas brunch at my parents and then on christmas eve we are driving to justins parents place.
i'm not exactly looking forward to spending christmas day at his parents place. hopefully i don't stab anyone, myself included. christmas day evening we are going to my aunt and uncles in london and then we are staying at my brothers. i'm looking forward to seeing him. i miss him so.
then on boxing day...MORE driving to goderich to justins grandma's house. there is going to be soooo much driving. i'm glad that justin bought a portable dvd player so that i can watch movies on the road.
my boss got my a really nice christmas gift. i'm so glad that i've moved to a new location. he got my two estee lauder lip glosses, estee lauder mascara, clinique mascara, estee lauder lipstick and a mac eye shadow! i was so surprised. anyways....i have to get ready for work or else i will be late.
i hope that everyone has a good holiday and that people are safe on the roads.
love and hugs to all.
tonight justin and i are going to my parents place and going to a christmas concert. tomorrow is christmas brunch at my parents and then on christmas eve we are driving to justins parents place.
i'm not exactly looking forward to spending christmas day at his parents place. hopefully i don't stab anyone, myself included. christmas day evening we are going to my aunt and uncles in london and then we are staying at my brothers. i'm looking forward to seeing him. i miss him so.
then on boxing day...MORE driving to goderich to justins grandma's house. there is going to be soooo much driving. i'm glad that justin bought a portable dvd player so that i can watch movies on the road.
my boss got my a really nice christmas gift. i'm so glad that i've moved to a new location. he got my two estee lauder lip glosses, estee lauder mascara, clinique mascara, estee lauder lipstick and a mac eye shadow! i was so surprised. anyways....i have to get ready for work or else i will be late.
i hope that everyone has a good holiday and that people are safe on the roads.
love and hugs to all.
Have a Merry Christmas!

Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!