It's like 9:20 in the morn. I was up all night. I don't drink anymore due to a really bad experience with a bottle of Vodka(fav) and an empty stomache. With that said, my friends were over drinking and drinking. I don't mind. But when people start coming over that I don't know I get kinda pissed.
It got a little weird when this small chick knocked on my door. I have never seen her before until this night. She asked for a friend of mine that was already passed out on my couch. I woke his ass up to talk to her. Blahblabh blah, she comes in, turns out she's been drinking since 6 in the morning the day before, blah blah blah, I can't help noticing despite how physically attractive she looks that she looks awfully young. Then she says she's 16.
So I delt with her. (she came from the house 2 houses down from mine, she had to use the bathroom and i told her that was out of commission for now, she left to go back to the house, she threw up, and passed out.) Mean I guess, but I'm not letting jailbait pass out on my couch to stay there all night.
With going to jail finally out of my mind I focus on the new day. It's going to be long without any sleep, but I've got to do some stuff this evening. I'm hanging out with my mother today since I never really see her that much due to my work habits. We're going to hobby lobby: where I must buy some modeling clay, find a model of a human skull, and maybe some more premade canvas to paint on: and books-a-million:where I'm going to check out the occult section, since I heard they had a decent selection, but I highly doubt it.
Get home, clean the mess from the so called party from lastnight, start getting creative with the shit i bought, and go to fucking bed...
It got a little weird when this small chick knocked on my door. I have never seen her before until this night. She asked for a friend of mine that was already passed out on my couch. I woke his ass up to talk to her. Blahblabh blah, she comes in, turns out she's been drinking since 6 in the morning the day before, blah blah blah, I can't help noticing despite how physically attractive she looks that she looks awfully young. Then she says she's 16.

With going to jail finally out of my mind I focus on the new day. It's going to be long without any sleep, but I've got to do some stuff this evening. I'm hanging out with my mother today since I never really see her that much due to my work habits. We're going to hobby lobby: where I must buy some modeling clay, find a model of a human skull, and maybe some more premade canvas to paint on: and books-a-million:where I'm going to check out the occult section, since I heard they had a decent selection, but I highly doubt it.
Get home, clean the mess from the so called party from lastnight, start getting creative with the shit i bought, and go to fucking bed...

1. asking those who say they aren't drunk to say the alphabet backwards. when they tell me no one can do it, I do. yes, I can say the alphabet backwards. and I usually get told "I can't say it sober, and I'm drunk now"
2. swaying back and forth as they talk to you. and doing it the next day.
3. in college (freshmen year), convinced a floormate that he did the following...
....told a girl that his life goal was to have sex with her
....took a swring at the RA
.....streaked the hallways
and that we videotaped it (then gave him a blank tape and went "Here, you want to see?" and then barred him from all VCR's).
4. tell a really drunk person "Okay, if you don't answer this right, I'm going to send you to the hospital and get your stomach pumped. Is Mickey Mouse a dog or a cat?"
that's all for now....but I'm sure I've done some more. after all, three years dealing with just freshmen in college (two of which just with males) as a Resident Director.....gotta have fun somehow!