<---listening to the new Between the Buried and Me cd. So far it's fucking awesome! I don't know if it's really out yet but I'm downloading it. Don't preach because I'm still going to buy it totally.
I really wish I could find a decent drummer here, but I can't. There just doesn't seem to be anyone around. I'll never stop looking though.
Got off an 8 hour shift tonight instead of the usual 12. I'm happy for that! Praying to a god that I get the weekend off again. Still bored as usual. If anyone wants to chat sometime since all I have is time on my hands feel free to message me anytime on Yahoo messenger and/or AIM. I'll be there....
I really wish I could find a decent drummer here, but I can't. There just doesn't seem to be anyone around. I'll never stop looking though.
Got off an 8 hour shift tonight instead of the usual 12. I'm happy for that! Praying to a god that I get the weekend off again. Still bored as usual. If anyone wants to chat sometime since all I have is time on my hands feel free to message me anytime on Yahoo messenger and/or AIM. I'll be there....

I'm not sure how hot it is exactly but I know how sweaty I'm getting just by sitting here!