I just update and update and update... It's cuz I'm easily bored here lately. Anyway just got back from my fathers house. I loved it. I haven't seen him and my sister in a while. It felt great to see them again. At the moment now that i have time off i gotta clean the house abit. Then I'm going to avoid a few friends and let Matt come over to play guitar for awhile. Last night i didn't get to play cuz a few other people cam over drunk which happens EVERYTIME I'm off work. Sooo... Gonna clean, then shower myself, and practice practice practice. Might update a few pics if I feel like it...

Thanx! Your message means a lot to me right now.I never thought an animal's death could get me so depressed. I've been listening to "My Dying Bride" and it's not helping out! They should seriously pack some razors with the album it's so depressing.