Stupid people do stupid things
Smart people outsmart each other.
A quote from System of a Down from when they were actually awesome to me.
Here lately this little quote couldn't mean more to me. I've met a person at work that seems to be both. He's really fucking stupid with the way he acts and he goes waaaaaay out of his way to try to prove me wrong or outsmart me in some way.
I've never met anyone so borderline retarded in all my life. He's not from the "south" and he actually said something along the lines of "you're a closed minded southern" to me.
I said of course "fuck you, you piece of shit, the only shit you know about me is what i told you, if you get that impression from that then you're fucking retarded." something along those lines. I wasn't mad, more annoyed than anything.
Loud. Smells. Always talking about this chick and that chick that he's been with. As if give two flying fucks how many people/animals he's fucked and sucked. He can do this and he can do that. "i'm the greatest EVAAAAR!!" type attitude.
In some cases that's a good trait, but for the most part it's annoying and doesn't complement the individual. Fucker.
Anyways besides that... I'm going to bed earlier tonight in order to go the the music store early to get the new TOOL album. I'm really hoping it's good.
I want these books for my B-DAY!
I saw this painting in Silent Hill 2 and thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen! Had to link to it, picture too big!
Smart people outsmart each other.
A quote from System of a Down from when they were actually awesome to me.
Here lately this little quote couldn't mean more to me. I've met a person at work that seems to be both. He's really fucking stupid with the way he acts and he goes waaaaaay out of his way to try to prove me wrong or outsmart me in some way.
I've never met anyone so borderline retarded in all my life. He's not from the "south" and he actually said something along the lines of "you're a closed minded southern" to me.
I said of course "fuck you, you piece of shit, the only shit you know about me is what i told you, if you get that impression from that then you're fucking retarded." something along those lines. I wasn't mad, more annoyed than anything.
Loud. Smells. Always talking about this chick and that chick that he's been with. As if give two flying fucks how many people/animals he's fucked and sucked. He can do this and he can do that. "i'm the greatest EVAAAAR!!" type attitude.
In some cases that's a good trait, but for the most part it's annoying and doesn't complement the individual. Fucker.
Anyways besides that... I'm going to bed earlier tonight in order to go the the music store early to get the new TOOL album. I'm really hoping it's good.
I want these books for my B-DAY!

I saw this painting in Silent Hill 2 and thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen! Had to link to it, picture too big!
YOU MAY choose the colour
you may as in you are allowed to choose th ehue of your fabulous bikini