It's kinda depressing that on my day off I end up sleeping late almost every time. I guess that's what I get for being a slave. Right now it's almost 12 o'clock, and I have stuff to do. Spent most of the waking hours haning with a friend of mine and watching Ichi the Killer.
I guess I'm going to wash some clothes and clean up a bit. If I finish early I shall paint a bit.
I also have almost 5k saved up for whatever reason. I don't know why I feel like I must have so much money to move to a different local. I guess it's a paranoia of being jobless for a month, which I doubt will happen, but whatever.
Anybody have any suggestions for a good art college??
Hope everyones had a wonderful weekend, mines already over
Apparently my friend is out of jail now.
I have this friend that I started to hear less and less from. Then all of a sudden the calls stopped, the visits stopped.
Turns out after about 5 months of not hearing from him, I find out what happened.
He was at a party and had taken a whole bag of shrooms. I'm still unsure how much a "whole bag" is but I'm sure for him it's an ASSLOAD. He was tripping pretty hard and started to get scared, and told his g/f to take him to his sisters house. His sister was scared of the way he was acting and called the cops. The cops came and he flipped out on them, attacking them. He's been in jail this whole time! HAHAHA!! I laugh only because he knew better. Eitherway he's out now, though I haven't seen him yet. Oh well.
My tip is....
Don't eat a "whole bag" of shrooms and fight cops.
piece out everybodeh!
I guess I'm going to wash some clothes and clean up a bit. If I finish early I shall paint a bit.
I also have almost 5k saved up for whatever reason. I don't know why I feel like I must have so much money to move to a different local. I guess it's a paranoia of being jobless for a month, which I doubt will happen, but whatever.
Anybody have any suggestions for a good art college??
Hope everyones had a wonderful weekend, mines already over

Apparently my friend is out of jail now.
I have this friend that I started to hear less and less from. Then all of a sudden the calls stopped, the visits stopped.
Turns out after about 5 months of not hearing from him, I find out what happened.
He was at a party and had taken a whole bag of shrooms. I'm still unsure how much a "whole bag" is but I'm sure for him it's an ASSLOAD. He was tripping pretty hard and started to get scared, and told his g/f to take him to his sisters house. His sister was scared of the way he was acting and called the cops. The cops came and he flipped out on them, attacking them. He's been in jail this whole time! HAHAHA!! I laugh only because he knew better. Eitherway he's out now, though I haven't seen him yet. Oh well.
My tip is....
Don't eat a "whole bag" of shrooms and fight cops.

piece out everybodeh!

as for sleeping all day, I do the same. kind of sad when I have to set my alarm to insure that I wake up in time to get ready for a 2 o'clock class!