Wow, I really hate mondays. Well today wasn't monday and it was my second day at work, but this was the first day that everyone else was back in the office from their long weekend, so it felt like a monday. Not only that, but I had all of the typical bad things happen that happen on mondays. I had to do a presentation to a higher up this morning, so I had to print several things off to get ready for it. Guess what happened? The printer crapped out on me in the middle of my documents. So I go to replace the ink cartridge, which of course, the printer won't take. So that's broken. Luckily I found another printer, after a 20 minute search, that I could use. Then I found out that I have to do 2 presentations tomorrow. Yippie. All of this on top of the usual crap I put up with at work. I would have a few drinks to finish the night off, but I have to go to bed soon, because I have to get up before 4am to get to work on time tomorrow. It just keeps getting better every day.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jul 26, 2006
I probably should have updated sooner, but I've been a bit worn out t… -
Sunday Jul 16, 2006
So tired, so very, very tired. Okay, I know I bitch about work a lo… -
Monday Jul 10, 2006
SInce I've switched schedules my days are now long as hell. I never t… -
Sunday Jul 02, 2006
I'm going to have to call the Devil and ask if he's turned up the air… -
Wednesday Jun 28, 2006
I'm not going to lie to you guys. I'm fucking bored. No, I'm not at… -
Thursday Jun 22, 2006
You can tell your job is really boring when people around you start t… -
Tuesday Jun 13, 2006
Well like all good things that come to an end, so has my weekend. I r… -
Thursday Jun 08, 2006
There must be some kind of cosmic alignment. Not only do I have the e… -
Friday Jun 02, 2006
I hate my job. I know this is a common theme for many people includin… -
Friday Jun 02, 2006
The world cup Anna Nicocle Smith is knocked up, who gives a shit, as …