Okay, so once again I'm neglecting my posting, but I have an excuse this time. Well I have an excuse for some of the time. About 2 weeks ago when one of the many storms that roll through the area came to rain on my parade, there was a flash of light and a terrible boom, and my computer was shot. It was as if Thor dropped his fucking hammer on my roof. Needless to say I was distraught, but luckily, being the amazing guy that I am, I figured out it was just the motherboard. So I ordered one and sat in the dark hugging myself.
After that Fallen came to visit and I wasn't about to sit down and take the time to write something when I could be out having fun with her. And now ShedMySkin is visiting from Maryland. He's a pretty cool cat, you (as in plural) should say 'hi' to him. He's lonely, or so he tells me.
Because it's true.
After that Fallen came to visit and I wasn't about to sit down and take the time to write something when I could be out having fun with her. And now ShedMySkin is visiting from Maryland. He's a pretty cool cat, you (as in plural) should say 'hi' to him. He's lonely, or so he tells me.
Because it's true.

Still alive?
*bites Tim's ankles*