I'm going to have to call the Devil and ask if he's turned up the air conditioning in his domain. Why, you ask? Simple; my work schedule has changed. The reason this seems so unusual is that it happened so fast. I thought it would have taken several weeks of negotiating, resubmitting proposals and pulling of teeth before it would have happened. But it did.
It is a better schedule over all, but like anything it's a double edged sword. We no longer rotate shifts every week, but our days are now 12 hours long. But we do work a 4 on 4 off schedule, so it's not too bad.
On another note that I'm sure is going to be the source of some anger for me; I fucking hate Tampa Electric. They've made a mistake and are blaming me for it. Imagine my surprise when I get a return check notice when I know I paid the bill. Hah, silly me, the electronic payment I made was declined. It was nice of them to tell me 2 weeks after this happened. Not even an email the next day to tell me. I know they made the mistake because I've used the same method on several occaisions and it has worked. But checking the payment history it seems that the accout I used is a non transaction account. So just to make sure, I called my bank. Bollocks, they said, it is a transaction account (the woman I talked to didn't actually say that, but I'm sure it was lurking in her mind somewhere). In any event, I know the electric company fucked up, so I send an email to their billing department. I should like to note that on the page where I submitted said email explained that I should get a response in one business day. No such fucking luck. Three days and no response. Of course it takes me up till today to find a phone number where I can call the customer service department, which makes me think they're trying to keep the number a secret so they don't have to deal with the first two words in their name. Of course they're closed today, but tomorrow when they're open....oh, yes tomorrow, they will regret building a faulty online system. I don't enjoy yelling at those whose only job is to try and appease the masses with the little information or insight they might possess, but goddamned it, they brought it upon themselves.
I always wondered about this, but now that there is an answer I can die in peace.
It is a better schedule over all, but like anything it's a double edged sword. We no longer rotate shifts every week, but our days are now 12 hours long. But we do work a 4 on 4 off schedule, so it's not too bad.
On another note that I'm sure is going to be the source of some anger for me; I fucking hate Tampa Electric. They've made a mistake and are blaming me for it. Imagine my surprise when I get a return check notice when I know I paid the bill. Hah, silly me, the electronic payment I made was declined. It was nice of them to tell me 2 weeks after this happened. Not even an email the next day to tell me. I know they made the mistake because I've used the same method on several occaisions and it has worked. But checking the payment history it seems that the accout I used is a non transaction account. So just to make sure, I called my bank. Bollocks, they said, it is a transaction account (the woman I talked to didn't actually say that, but I'm sure it was lurking in her mind somewhere). In any event, I know the electric company fucked up, so I send an email to their billing department. I should like to note that on the page where I submitted said email explained that I should get a response in one business day. No such fucking luck. Three days and no response. Of course it takes me up till today to find a phone number where I can call the customer service department, which makes me think they're trying to keep the number a secret so they don't have to deal with the first two words in their name. Of course they're closed today, but tomorrow when they're open....oh, yes tomorrow, they will regret building a faulty online system. I don't enjoy yelling at those whose only job is to try and appease the masses with the little information or insight they might possess, but goddamned it, they brought it upon themselves.
I always wondered about this, but now that there is an answer I can die in peace.
Im sure in due time you will be loving your new schedule. 4 days off.. Hmm.. Sounds like I'll be coming more sooner than later
Nice cartoon