I'm not going to lie to you guys. I'm fucking bored.
No, I'm not at work. This is, as a matter of fact, my weekend. But as it's Wednesday, it doesn't really feel like a weekend. I could probably find things to do, but not many people really want to, or are even able to go out and do something fun in the middle of the week because of work. And I understand that. I just find it a little irritating when people ask what I'm doing on a weekend more often than not I have to reply; "I have to work."
Wish I had something more entertaining to write about.
Oh, I did have a flat tire the other night as I was just leaving for work, so I got there an hour late. For some reason the tire just did not want to come off. 30 minutes of pulling, twisting, levering, sweating and being eaten alive by mosquitoes later I finally managed to pull it off. That was fun.
Did I mention that I like to cook?
No, I'm not at work. This is, as a matter of fact, my weekend. But as it's Wednesday, it doesn't really feel like a weekend. I could probably find things to do, but not many people really want to, or are even able to go out and do something fun in the middle of the week because of work. And I understand that. I just find it a little irritating when people ask what I'm doing on a weekend more often than not I have to reply; "I have to work."
Wish I had something more entertaining to write about.
Oh, I did have a flat tire the other night as I was just leaving for work, so I got there an hour late. For some reason the tire just did not want to come off. 30 minutes of pulling, twisting, levering, sweating and being eaten alive by mosquitoes later I finally managed to pull it off. That was fun.
Did I mention that I like to cook?

Me and the woman i've been seeing.. are well.. somewhere weird. Sunday we make out like crazy teenagers in the car and she leaves her sunglasses in my car so I need to see her again soon. I'm thinking a friends with benefits thing is kinda coming around.. which you know.. suits me fine and that's kinda where talk is leading. Tuesday there's probably way too much honesty... and she basically makes one statement where it would seem she wouldn't want to sleep with me because i'm too inexperienced and then asks me for a date on Friday.. so wow.. are women always this confusing? Whatever.. lol. Going on Friday.. we'll see where things go.
30 minutes of pulling, twisting, levering, sweating and being eaten alive by mosquitoes later I finally managed to pull it off.
Hmmm.....something about this sounds veddy veddy familiar.