Once again I've been slacking on my posting, but I have a good reason. I was out of the state for the past few days. I went up to Georgia to hang out with an old friend of mine and I learned some valuable lessons. First; stay the hell out of that state unless I'm going to visit him. I'm a yankee city boy, so spending time in some of the....less traveled areas is sort of scary. Second; I think I have found the most redneck, backwoods, hillbilly bar you can ever find. It was interesting, but I wouldn't do it again.
So work....yeah, this week (last night through through wednesday night) I'm working from 10 pm to 6 am. Work is a relative term in this case, it's more like stay awake at a computer.
So work....yeah, this week (last night through through wednesday night) I'm working from 10 pm to 6 am. Work is a relative term in this case, it's more like stay awake at a computer.
Damn good thing it's only two cans of that stuff.

I love penny arcade! it's so funny.. I really need to read it more often.