Yeah, been home for the holidays. I can't wait to get home. It's fucking cold as hell here. Word to the wise, don't go to Alaska in the winter.
My whole family has been sick. Disentary or something. I'm convinced it's disentary anyhow. Don't get disentary btw, you won't like it.
Well, I leave for home tomorrow. Then I can go back to the grindstone....
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I hate Christmas. It's so damn stressful. I don't like feeling obligated to buy people gifts just because of some cracked out holiday the christians stole from the pagans. If I want to give someone a gift, I'll do it. I don't need to set aside one day of the year to give gifts. I like to give people presents but not like this. So...
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glad to see you joined the pgh group. you gotta love the mall, all the kids yelling about what they want for christmas this year, then them crying because they aren't going to get it cause it's to expensive. then the hours are the best, be there super early and then stay until the late of night. wow how great christmas is. anyways enough with that, where do you work in the mall?
monroeville sucks period. but i think the worst part of working retail during the xmas season aside from annoying customers is that the damnably incessant christmas music. thank god i'm done with that this year after today.
hmm, well I really just found out about SG today. So I thought I would look around, and lo and behold, I found two girls I went to high school with. Small world, yes? Katie and "Emily." So I got a short membership to see what this was all about. Nice gettup here. smile I'll have to poke around a bit more and see all the...
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welcome to the site, and enjoy. if you want to stay up to date with any of our local events you should join the pittsburgh, and ohio groups. we try to plan events or what not on a normal basis. if you have any question or what not don't be afraid to ask. peace.
