Man, oh man. I sure am bad at this online journal crap. I need to get out more so I can post about the things that I do. Oh yeah, I went camping for a week a little while ago. Most of the time it was actually rather boring, but there were some fun times. It's this big yearly event up near Slippery Rock, Pa for the SCA. This year's experience made me wonder if I even want to do it next year, but now I've got this friend who wants all into it and shit. Which is cool. Maybe now I can go to more events and get more into it. Anything to get me out of my apartment at this point. I quit my job because I worked for a bunch of Super Bastards and now I'm just waiting to start my new one. I think I need a hobby so when I home all the damn time I don't have to be bored. Does anyone have a sewing machine they need to get rid of? I could use one.