I am....thanks to Blackheart72 who was super DUPER sweet and got me a gift pass!!!!!
Im all happy now!!
Will update more in a bit, need to eat!
Ok, update already.
Rant number 1:
Ihave just opened my mail to find that Npower want 211.45 off me for my old address, which I moved out of in April! and its a final reminder. EH???????
They can fuck off.
Rant number 2:
How do you get rid of an obsessive ex???
Here is what I would like to say to my recently departed
First of all...we saw each other for two weeks....get over it!
Here is a list of why I couldnt spend anymore time with your bloody boring ass!
*After a week you decided that you wanted to see how my last name sounded on the end of yours because you didnt like your own.
*You repetadly asked me how I want my wedding to the fuck would I know, im bloody 23, and believe me, you wouldnt be in it!
* You stared at me. I told you I hate people staring at me, and you stared
* You drew your living room windows incase someone walked past and seen us random grave yerd fucks for me then!
*All the times we fucked you made me cum once...ONCE!
*You look like bruce willis after he has had a round with a pit bull
* Your short. Untill now this was not a problem, but with was a problem
* You have an overactive mind...fine...but do you really need to say"can I ask you something" or "I was just wondering" every five frigging minutes!
* Everytime I mentioned a males name you asked who they were, and if you needed to be worried about them being around me!
* If I told you a secret, you HAD to go and confront the person who had pissed me off. Do you seriously think I cant stand up for myself
*You call me and my housemate several times a day, txt me, email me. Im scared to answer the fucking phone!
*You constantly ask WHY im bi, what it is about women that is so great, and then download pictures of my favorite girls so "I know what you like!"
* You are allergic to cats
*You made good friends with my brother
* You think im too "excitable" Maybe your just to bloody boring!
* you hate the fact I applied to be an SG and got through the first stage! Like I care!
*You ALWAYS had to be touching me in some way
* I couldnt watch TV because you wanted to Kiss instead...sorry, but I like my documentaries...get over it!
*my music...oh got the CD's and kitted your 10 CD car changer out with them so I would be happy!
* You were going to order a new sofa because yours is only a two seater
* you shouted at me for putting my top on the floor at night!
Oh, and you bored me. SO SO much.
Ok, so Im not going to send this to them, but I needed to rant. Today they freaked me out, and if they dont back off, im getting my dad on them! lol
Seriously though...if someone did all this to you in two woul run right????
Im all happy now!!

Will update more in a bit, need to eat!

Ok, update already.
Rant number 1:
Ihave just opened my mail to find that Npower want 211.45 off me for my old address, which I moved out of in April! and its a final reminder. EH???????
They can fuck off.
Rant number 2:
How do you get rid of an obsessive ex???
Here is what I would like to say to my recently departed

First of all...we saw each other for two weeks....get over it!
Here is a list of why I couldnt spend anymore time with your bloody boring ass!
*After a week you decided that you wanted to see how my last name sounded on the end of yours because you didnt like your own.
*You repetadly asked me how I want my wedding to the fuck would I know, im bloody 23, and believe me, you wouldnt be in it!
* You stared at me. I told you I hate people staring at me, and you stared
* You drew your living room windows incase someone walked past and seen us random grave yerd fucks for me then!
*All the times we fucked you made me cum once...ONCE!
*You look like bruce willis after he has had a round with a pit bull
* Your short. Untill now this was not a problem, but with was a problem
* You have an overactive mind...fine...but do you really need to say"can I ask you something" or "I was just wondering" every five frigging minutes!
* Everytime I mentioned a males name you asked who they were, and if you needed to be worried about them being around me!
* If I told you a secret, you HAD to go and confront the person who had pissed me off. Do you seriously think I cant stand up for myself
*You call me and my housemate several times a day, txt me, email me. Im scared to answer the fucking phone!
*You constantly ask WHY im bi, what it is about women that is so great, and then download pictures of my favorite girls so "I know what you like!"
* You are allergic to cats
*You made good friends with my brother
* You think im too "excitable" Maybe your just to bloody boring!
* you hate the fact I applied to be an SG and got through the first stage! Like I care!
*You ALWAYS had to be touching me in some way
* I couldnt watch TV because you wanted to Kiss instead...sorry, but I like my documentaries...get over it!
*my music...oh got the CD's and kitted your 10 CD car changer out with them so I would be happy!
* You were going to order a new sofa because yours is only a two seater
* you shouted at me for putting my top on the floor at night!
Oh, and you bored me. SO SO much.
Ok, so Im not going to send this to them, but I needed to rant. Today they freaked me out, and if they dont back off, im getting my dad on them! lol
Seriously though...if someone did all this to you in two woul run right????
Hope you've had a good weekend/ Take care and have a good week at work