So, I've been talked into being lead singer in a blues/metal/comedy band. My friends have all heard me do my freestyle blues songs on harmonica when I get really drunk, so finally at my birthday 2 weeks ago, we decided to start a band. It's going to be mainly a blues band with a little heavy metal edge, if that's possible. We plan on doing covers but changing the words, seeing as I have a talent for being able to change the words to any song into horribly offensive and sexual lyrics.
So, now we have a band, called "Mostly About Dick" due to the songs mainly being about my dick or having sex with someone, SOOOOOO, every one can do a myspace search for my shitty band and send me a friend request there too, lol.
There's a bad track of me singing a blues song drunk off my ass, because we haven't yet gotten together to practice and record anything. Most of the members have already been in bands so just me and one of our guitarist or newbies so we should do decent. I can sing as long as I'm piss ass drunk so our shows should be funny. I anticipate us getting tossed from most bars we play at, but hey, FUCK EM' ALL!
So, now we have a band, called "Mostly About Dick" due to the songs mainly being about my dick or having sex with someone, SOOOOOO, every one can do a myspace search for my shitty band and send me a friend request there too, lol.
There's a bad track of me singing a blues song drunk off my ass, because we haven't yet gotten together to practice and record anything. Most of the members have already been in bands so just me and one of our guitarist or newbies so we should do decent. I can sing as long as I'm piss ass drunk so our shows should be funny. I anticipate us getting tossed from most bars we play at, but hey, FUCK EM' ALL!
I finally got my new computer and it's all up and running so I'm saying hi to all my friends on my friends list that I haven't been able to talk to for a while. I hope you are doing ok!
Hey hun, thanks for the add, the band sounds like a good laugh!