Today is a sad day indeed. A great man, a heroic man, a role model to us all has been sentenced to death. Scott Peterson, seemingly nothing more than a moron, fertilizer salesman, that when faced with the dreary fate of a inescapable situation at the hands of his stupid bitch-cunt of a wife made a simple pragmatic choice that most people in his position could only dream about. Sure hes no fucking genius but even a dog can be heroic. "I was fishing" indeed! Up against the prospect of a failed loveless marriage to a frigid twat or the even more dismal prospect of a messy divorce and the everlasting burden of child support, Scott Peterson made the only choice any sane individual would make. Murder the fucking bitch and her unborn fetus. Problem solved. For that he should be commended not executed. I believe what made Scott act so extraordinarily, where so many other would simply trod through apologetically always making sure to do the right thing, is his job. Being immersed knee deep in shit day in and day out must have a very sobering effect over ones outlook on life. It would tend to diminish those little illusions that keep most us going through this miserable existence of utter futility. Most people believe they are generally good, albeit in a bad position in life and if they continue to do the right thing things will eventually improve. This is utter crap. Only someone who sees nothing but excrement for miles and miles could come to this realization and act accordingly. Sure if he had any brains to begin with he would have never married the disgusting cooze in the first place. Laci Peterson is about as worthless as a female can get. Her only reason of existing is to leach off her husband and drop babies. Face it shes better off dead and society is better off with one less breeder cunt. What Scott Peterson did is a big FUCK YOU in the face of all those skanks who only enter into marriage with the intention of plundering the mans bank account and forever enslaving him with the support of an ungrateful brat. For that he was convicted and sentenced despite the complete lack of concrete evidence against him. Scott Peterson stands for male empowerment in an age where white males are increasingly emasculated and bludgeoned into complacency by neo-feminists who wield their sexuality like a deadly weapon. For this cause, for male liberation, Scott Peterson will server as the first martyr. It is my sincere hope that other males in similar positions as Scott will come to the same conclusion as he did and murder their worthless wives for the betterment of our crumbling society. The first step is to put women back into their place before they fuck things up any worse.
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