So it turns out its impossible (unless you're a female) to get laid without actually trying to do so. This may in fact be news to everyone but me. Who would have imagined that a misanthropic recluse with no social skills wouldn't have women crawling all over him? Go figure. Its better off this way, sex/intimacy is highly overrated and a huge waste of time, energy and resources. Society would be much better off if people spent less time fucking. I can't imagine becoming one of those males who dedicates their entire existence to the art and science of getting laid. Nor am I about to compromise the integrity of who I am simply to conform to some preconceived notion of what women find desirable. Besides its not as if the classless, vapid whores that compromise the majority of the walking population of the abyssic shit hole known as southern california are worthy of me in the first place. Should the biological need ever reach a critical level one could always avail the services of a prostitute. At least they are honest about what they do.
In other news this is mesmerizing... simply mesmerizing
In other news this is mesmerizing... simply mesmerizing