I am still here. Still alive. In fact, things are looking up. I haven't felt much like updating here because I have been recoiling from the fact that I spend way too much time on this site anyway (at least, checking to see if I've got comments, etc) and neglecting other, far more important aspects of my life. It's fun and all, but really, when the day is done this place is just a club. I leave comments and hope to get comments and the cycle goes on and on. Don't get me wrong, I still love it, but definitely need to re-define my relationship with it. There's a lot more to life than staring at a screen. I want to start writing fiction again and playing music and take voice lessons and ride my bike more often. I've no excuse now that I bought a bike again, and have replaced the chain and all. I rode it to the library the other day. It was fucking perfect. Like breathing fresh air after years in a room with no windows. Or perhaps windows that were really just drawn in sharpie on a concrete wall. Either way, I want more of it.
for real! but tomorrow night i am going to this skeezy little karoake bar- the crab bowl, to celebrate my presentation tomorrow,
That's too bad that you missed Drag Ball! It was great. Will you be around for most of Renn Fayre? (say "yes")