I have the worst mood swings. I wouldn't go so far as to think that I am manic depressive or anything (I believe some people truly have a chemical disorder, and I ain't one of them). But goddamn if I don't go up and down a lot all the same. Yesterday evening I finally got the call I'd been waiting for, confirming that I got a job. I danced around my room and went out for drinks with a friend and it was fun. But when I came home it just went downhill. I sat at my desk and wrote a bit, listening to a new mix I'm working on, and I was almost in tears. There are a couple reasons for this, but what struck me was how quickly I go from one extreme to the other. Today I felt mediocre and annoyed at being so very unlike the person I wish I were (and often pretend to be). Sigh. It comes and goes. As the great man said: I may not seem quite right, but I'm not fucked, not quite.
haiku of the day:
This journal. This place.
This is not my life.
This is just vanity.
Edit March 22nd 10pm:
I have a new folder of pictures up. Look at 'em to see what I did today.
haiku of the day:
This journal. This place.
This is not my life.
This is just vanity.
Edit March 22nd 10pm:
I have a new folder of pictures up. Look at 'em to see what I did today.
Secondly, I know what you are going through with the mood swings. I had a bad problem with it last summer when I was in between jobs. If you believe you don't need medication, then I suggest finding some kind of hobby or project to work on. You need to change something up, or at least I had to. It worked wonders.
i didn't make it to the video store that night but i'm going tonight for sure. i'm going to try and rent that movie if i can find it. i'll let you know what i think
[Edited on Mar 25, 2005 6:52PM]