The last few days, despite being filled with desperation and panic over the prospect of running out of money, have actually been very pleasant. I spent yesterday afternoon walking around campus, exploring. I walked through the canyon and took roads without any idea where they led. I walked to a roadside fruit stand and bought an orange, then explored some more. Perhaps it was because I was reading the Little Prince the whole time, which I had never read before. Honest. It was given to me by the lovely Elphie, a few weeks after the night we were hanging out and she ran the hat/boa just having eaten an elephant test on me. Apparently I passed. The fact that I saw the boa without having read the book makes me happy. Perhaps there is hope for me yet.
And as I am rarely happy with pictures of myself, I'll put this one up of me and my man Ken, all dressed-up like.
p.s. ~ thanks to everyone who left nice comments on my last post. I ♥ you all.
And as I am rarely happy with pictures of myself, I'll put this one up of me and my man Ken, all dressed-up like.
p.s. ~ thanks to everyone who left nice comments on my last post. I ♥ you all.
OK, the Harold and Maude group is all yours!
*grins* Now I have to email you and ask how you liked the book.