It's over, again. Or it feels that way. It's frustrating, because I can't afford to be emotionally fucked up right now, I have too much other work to do that demands my mind be clear and functioning. Mistakes are so integral to human nature, but goddammit I expect better from myself.
How far would you go for contentment? How far would you go for happiness? What makes you feel alive?
How far would you go for contentment? How far would you go for happiness? What makes you feel alive?
-I'm fine with moments of contentment, but overall I think being content is akin to being dead. I think the state of being human doesn't really allow contentment, we have emotions and we have drives that push us forward. There's plenty of time to be content in the ground.
How far would you go for happiness?
-I'll know it when I find it.
What makes you feel alive?
-Sound vibrating off of my body.