Fall break is here at last. The rain begins to fall lightly over the grounds. Will it stay this time? Soon enough, I tell myself, Ill be lamenting for these days when the sun reflects the fall colors on the leaves and everyone sits outside to take in the last glorious days before the long cold. As I prepare for a week off from school, there seems to be enough to do that it will hardly be a relaxing time. Some things will end and some will begin. My ever-changing mix cd is finished, for all intensive purposes (eventually you reach a point of diminishing returns when tinkering with something, and just need to step back and let it be). Ill finish up the final Harry Potter book. What will I read next? Ive spent the last several months at Hogwarts; I dont know where next to go. Perhaps back into the dark and capable hands of Neil Gaiman... I dont know. The reading list is long enough. I will begin outlining and writing my second paper as well. The first I left unstarted until 6 hours before deadline, an experience I have no desire to repeat. I also badly need to brush up on my Chinese history (the humanities/philosophy aspects are difficult to organize in my brain without times and places to pin them to). Luckily I bought this book a month back. I have a couple things planned for the next few months which Im looking forward with a mix of joy and sheer terror. Beginning to play music with hansel and PhillipetheOtter on a regular basis, which is forcing me to work through my procrastination and actually try to write music. In November something else will begin, but I wont talk about that until its actually done (the pressure put on myself I is quite enough, thank you very much). There are books to read and others to re-read. Autumn is here, and as my professor pointed out today, Autumn is the season of change. How fitting then that we leave school for a week with the I Ching under our arms, with the task of creating and divining a hexagram over the break. Professor Trelawney would be proud.
I think the cold sore gave them a visible picture of how I've been feeling. They were all really nice about it.. I suspect they care for my well-being, while not wanting to get sick themselves.
We will be in attendance this evening.