The mix cd that I have been laboring with more or less unsuccessfully is finally starting to shape into something good. Im actually pleased with it now. Funny how it resembles its original form by only the slimmest of margins... But I suppose thats the way these things go. A little work and a little patience go a long way. I used to think that over-analyzing the process would kill the flow and beauty of the thing; that a spontaneous and almost random throwing-together of beautiful songs would be far superior. However, the latter is only successful by chance, and has the potential to be a bloody disaster. The former can be a stifled, convoluted mess, Ive seen it happen; but with a detached patience (keeping the general theme in mind) I find it easier to let certain songs go, and new, unexpected additions come into the mix. In an attempt to set down my thoughts, I wrote a little thesis on the art of mix cds (High Fidelity inevitably lingering in the back of my mind), attempting to set down some guidelines (not rules) about what makes one mix cd succeed where another fails. Perhaps Im going a bit far in analyzing the process. But only time will tell, once I finish the disc and give everyone copies.
Fuckin' school, eh..