So I just spent the entire weekend in Hillsboro with Jeremy's family. It was nice. I liked getting away and being able to comfortably do nothing with Jeremy. I also really like his family. I know them all pretty well by now. Usually family scenes kind of bother me - but they are all smart and rational and good humored. It's not so bad -
Krystina found us an apartment. We're going to look tomorrow- SOMEBODY please crossy our fingers for us. I am sick of this apt. hunting business.
Oh, and TODAY BLOWS. Music history midterm at 1:30, class 2:30 to 4:30, then a horn lesson at 6:30 (that gives me about an hour to warm up and practice - seeing how my last lesson was Thursday and I left for Hillsboro Friday). The lesson bumps up against my prof's recital at 8...yay lame horn studio people. THEN I am done - I come home to Krystina, get high, watch a movie with her, inevitably get interupted by the nearly constant flow of visitors (I'm not going to lie - I love having wonderful friends, but I get next to ZERO alone time - and it's key), and call Jeremy at some point. Sweet.
I dunno, I am a crazy - we left the boro at 6 am, and I am totally loopy and going to risk going back to bed for an hour or 2. Mind you, I have learned 1/4 of the material on this midterm. But, as one can see by this ramble, I am in no condition to be "smart". So, it's back to bed.
And - For the Record:
1. Love is definitely there and has been for a while
2. I want to dye more of my hair
3. Krystina's awesome
4. This weekend, I intend on fucking Jeremy's brains out - because staying at his parent's with 3 of his siblings and the dog was KILLER. Yes, this weekend we shall celebrate our sexual liberties. YAY
5. I miss my family a little.
6. Definitely a crazy.
***In Addition***
This just in: Recent Polls say Lindsay and Krystina have come across a sweet apartment to live in next year.
And - Kyal is awesome - "I guess you have to scrape yourself down to nothing to see what leaves the deepest marks."

Krystina found us an apartment. We're going to look tomorrow- SOMEBODY please crossy our fingers for us. I am sick of this apt. hunting business.
Oh, and TODAY BLOWS. Music history midterm at 1:30, class 2:30 to 4:30, then a horn lesson at 6:30 (that gives me about an hour to warm up and practice - seeing how my last lesson was Thursday and I left for Hillsboro Friday). The lesson bumps up against my prof's recital at 8...yay lame horn studio people. THEN I am done - I come home to Krystina, get high, watch a movie with her, inevitably get interupted by the nearly constant flow of visitors (I'm not going to lie - I love having wonderful friends, but I get next to ZERO alone time - and it's key), and call Jeremy at some point. Sweet.
I dunno, I am a crazy - we left the boro at 6 am, and I am totally loopy and going to risk going back to bed for an hour or 2. Mind you, I have learned 1/4 of the material on this midterm. But, as one can see by this ramble, I am in no condition to be "smart". So, it's back to bed.
And - For the Record:
1. Love is definitely there and has been for a while
2. I want to dye more of my hair
3. Krystina's awesome
4. This weekend, I intend on fucking Jeremy's brains out - because staying at his parent's with 3 of his siblings and the dog was KILLER. Yes, this weekend we shall celebrate our sexual liberties. YAY

5. I miss my family a little.
6. Definitely a crazy.
***In Addition***
This just in: Recent Polls say Lindsay and Krystina have come across a sweet apartment to live in next year.

And - Kyal is awesome - "I guess you have to scrape yourself down to nothing to see what leaves the deepest marks."
on number 4: enjoy that. after my g/f and i came back from two weeks with my family, we had some really incredible and nessesary sex. it was awsome.
on number 6: as a general rule, people who aren't crazy are either boring, assbags, or both.
what horn do you play?