It's officially winter in just a few days, but it already feels like winter with the lower temperatures of late and the arrival of the winter residents of our coastal wetlands. During a visit to the wildlife refuge today I saw Blue Winged Teal, Green Winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, Northern Shovelers, and Ring-necked Ducks in addition the usual residents such as Great Blue Herons, Little...
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Sets by @chad, @annalee, @janesinner, and @ceres all in one day. I thought Christmas was next week... Suicide Girls has outdone themselves today!
It's been a few months since I wrote one of these posts; I'd intended to do one each month but I got slack or lacked motivation and didn't do it. For now on, I want to pick four or five photo sets each month as my monthly favorites and write a few words about why I enjoyed them. By no means are these all of...
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Earlier this month I saw Roseate Spoonbills for the first time. They're beautiful pink wading birds and they kind of remind me of Suicide Girls... nontraditional beauties that stand out in a crowd, unafraid to be different. In these photos, there is the reserved elegance of the Tri Colored Heron and the flamboyant glamour of the Roseate Spoonbills, proof that beauty is beauty regardless of...
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In Aurora, @milloux beautifully captures curvy, sultry @qinn. Qinn really stands out against the pale walls and the light coming through the windows. Alternately sultry and smiling, her moods are equally sexy and those big brown eyes capture and hold your attention. As for photo #43, if it doesn't make you smile you probably don't have a soul. An easy addition to my favorites...
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It's been awhile since I posted anything from my trips to the Wildlife Refuges but I thought watching the wildlife grow would be an interesting topic for a post. One of the things about being able to make frequent trips to the refuges through the year is being able to watch young wildlife grow and develop through the year. These are photos of young waterfowl...
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As always, there were a lot of good photo sets from the Suicide Girls and Hopefuls last month. It would take way too long to write about all of the ones that caught my eye, but here are some of my favorites.
@janesinner started off the month by repeating as Set of the Day on July 2nd and July 3rd. It was a deserved honor;...
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Kittys Playtime by @alle - Yet another amazing set from the simply amazing Alle. She definitely channels a black cat in this set; those eyes and the expressions - playful, indifferent, teasing - bring to mind the mood and attitude of a cat. The sly smile she flashes us throughout is just irresistibly sexy. Kittys Playtime is extraordinary, great work from Alle and @gossip!
I've been feeling a lack of motivation lately but when I saw the dragonfly photos @episkey posted yesterday I got motivated to post some nature and wildlife photos I've taken this month. These are from trips to the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge, the Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuge, and High Falls State Park.
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The Savannah and Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuges are my places to decompress and get away from the world. These photos are from April's visit to the Harris Neck NWR. Many migratory birds have left for the season, but the Wood Storks have arrived and were beginning to nest last month!
The Savannah and Harris Neck National Wildlife Refuges are my places to decompress and get away from the world. These are photos from this month's visits to the Savannah NWR; with Spring here and Summer around the corner, the migratory birds are mostly gone but the year round birds are still around and the Alligators are out in large numbers.
The month of April has seen a lot of wonderful sets from Suicide Girls and Hopefuls. Here are some of my favorites:
Radiant by @midna_ - Radiant is a proper name for this set. Midna's smile is indeed radiant and it's just so infectious. This set is fun, happy, and sexy; it's hard not to crack a smile when you view it.
Birthplace by @saria...
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