happy thanksgiving everyone.
spent it alone eating like a pig and watching movies.
remember, today is buy nothing day. don't be an idiot and get involved in that shopping mall consumerism crap. read a book, for chrissakes.
spent it alone eating like a pig and watching movies.
remember, today is buy nothing day. don't be an idiot and get involved in that shopping mall consumerism crap. read a book, for chrissakes.

found out the keppra may have been the culprit with the bad reaction last weekend. as you said meds are nothing to mess with. sometimes i just don't know what to do. i feel damned if i do and damned if i don't. i do know one thing constant pain sucks!
i've been interesting in hearing some of the music you've been playing, any possiblitly of hearing anything online?
m, i hope your doing good, i've appreciated your friendship.