just got back from a great week in france. spent the first few days in and near lyon, for the anniversary thing i mentioned before. it was an incredible experience. i don't want to go into it too much here because it'll come across wrong. people telling me they wouldn't be alive if it weren't for my grandpa. the little town really took care of my family there...parade, big banquet dinner, gifts etc. i took some pictures and i'll post some later.
the best part about it was learning about who my grandpa really was. he was 27 when the shit went down there. what did i do when i was 27? there were throngs of old french guys and about 15 americans who served with him or knew him back in the day. i ot to hear their stories firsthand. wow.
i also got to speak french. none of the older folk spoke english in mexemieux, so i really brushed up on it a lot...it's fun when you've got no choice but to buckle down and communicate.
then i hit paris and was blown away. it's just so fucking gorgeous. i ran myself ragged trying to fit in everything in the short time that i had there, but had a great time....it's a city for lovers, tho. got a little lonely late at night watching everybody together. but it made for some great inspiration, so i wrote 4 songs in a week. yay.
now i'm at my parents place in dc doing laundry and shit before i return to ny tomorrow. recording some songs this week with the band, then we're playing a show at sin-e on friday the 17th! i can't wait.
the best part about it was learning about who my grandpa really was. he was 27 when the shit went down there. what did i do when i was 27? there were throngs of old french guys and about 15 americans who served with him or knew him back in the day. i ot to hear their stories firsthand. wow.
i also got to speak french. none of the older folk spoke english in mexemieux, so i really brushed up on it a lot...it's fun when you've got no choice but to buckle down and communicate.
then i hit paris and was blown away. it's just so fucking gorgeous. i ran myself ragged trying to fit in everything in the short time that i had there, but had a great time....it's a city for lovers, tho. got a little lonely late at night watching everybody together. but it made for some great inspiration, so i wrote 4 songs in a week. yay.
now i'm at my parents place in dc doing laundry and shit before i return to ny tomorrow. recording some songs this week with the band, then we're playing a show at sin-e on friday the 17th! i can't wait.
How was your uncle a hero in that village? All I can picture is him silhouetted against the sunset firing belt after belt into a platoon of jerry bastards.
there is a song on the new theSTART cd which is about Elliott. its called You,Me, and a Knife. he was recording in the same studio as they were, in the room next door so they got to know him a bit. knowing the song is about him makes it really fucking sad.