i got this call from an old friend. nowadays, he's less a friend than anything else, but i agreed, against my better judgment, and because i'm way too accomodating, to put his ass up before he ships out to norway tomorrow to "start a restaurant business" with his crazy norwegian trust fund girlfriend. this guy can't make a sandwich, much less a resturant. oof. what a mess. he's always got an angle. so whacked. he showed up at my place, way way out on everything, with a friend of a friend he conned to drive him into town. she looked at me so afraid for her life; i felt so sorry for her. she was dead sober, dying to get away from this guy. he was just sweating it out; and it killed me to talk him to sleep while she tried to forget the last 24 hours or so that he put her thru.
life is bizarre. i am so glad i'm not in contact with this bastard very often. i'll be even more glad when he leaves my couch. come to think of it - lemme check my dresser to make sure he hasn't taken any money.
we talked a bit before he crashed. most of it was about how amazed he felt to see what has changed for the better in my own life since i saw him last. i tried to relate that it was just because of 100% hard work... i saw that phrase enter one ear and exit the other, like cigarettte smoke. of course, he has no new news to report...god bless this guy, but i don't think things will change for him unless he does. i don't know what kinda crack connections there are in norway, but hopefully they will be further out of his reach than they are here.
so, tonight, i go to sleep a little depressed. ( added afterwards: with 60 bucks missing: he already hit my stash.)
life is bizarre. i am so glad i'm not in contact with this bastard very often. i'll be even more glad when he leaves my couch. come to think of it - lemme check my dresser to make sure he hasn't taken any money.
we talked a bit before he crashed. most of it was about how amazed he felt to see what has changed for the better in my own life since i saw him last. i tried to relate that it was just because of 100% hard work... i saw that phrase enter one ear and exit the other, like cigarettte smoke. of course, he has no new news to report...god bless this guy, but i don't think things will change for him unless he does. i don't know what kinda crack connections there are in norway, but hopefully they will be further out of his reach than they are here.
so, tonight, i go to sleep a little depressed. ( added afterwards: with 60 bucks missing: he already hit my stash.)
damn. that sucks.