tonight i'm going to madison sq garden to see my old alma mater, providence college, play illinois in basketball.
this is where i get to have uncomfortable conversation with old faces from the past with whom i have shared a mutual misunderstanding of each other over the years. they never quite figured me out back in school, and hey, they still aren't sure what i'm all about today. likewise. they're all 9-5ers, i think. once i get over being the only one without a 401k and stock options, i'll relax and enjoy myself hopefully.
go friars.
that's our mascot....a friar. fat jack falstaff.
...or that fucker who ran around with robin hood.
friars aren't the epitome of athleticism.
this is where i get to have uncomfortable conversation with old faces from the past with whom i have shared a mutual misunderstanding of each other over the years. they never quite figured me out back in school, and hey, they still aren't sure what i'm all about today. likewise. they're all 9-5ers, i think. once i get over being the only one without a 401k and stock options, i'll relax and enjoy myself hopefully.
go friars.
that's our mascot....a friar. fat jack falstaff.
...or that fucker who ran around with robin hood.
friars aren't the epitome of athleticism.
