In New Orleans
Hey All,
I'm just got to New Orleans, where I am prepping the movie I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS with Jim Carrey. It's great to be here. I'm going to be here, well, between Miami and here, until July 4th or so. I may go home to Maryland for the 4th, haven't decided yet.
Anyone who lives remotely near here and wants to come visit me, I'm all for it. I'll be in NOLA full time starting May 1st. If anyone wants to come visit say for Memorial Day, I'm going to have Mondays and Tuesdays off the entire month. *Jacksonville Crew?? Rick?? Dave?? - I'll send you guys an email*
I'm sorry for all in MD I missed by not going to Annapolis for LAID TO REST and everyone in LA I didn't see before I left...I got really sick towards the in and stayed in bed to try to get better for the trip.
Much love to all...I hope this finds you well.
I didn't think they'd take the set if I did it...but I should have committed.