Fire and Ink
Another crazy week. Worked on a commercial on Tuesday for OnStar. We were shooting in Griffith Park up near the carousel. While we were eating lunch we noticed smoke on the other side of the hill. Soon after ash started raining down on basecamp...really weird. The ground turned an errie shade of orange as the sun came through the smoke and fire. Our shoot fire marshal soon got a call that the small brush fire was spreading at an alarming rate, and headed right for our basecamp. We packed up in a hurry and headed off to our next shooting location.
The police started forcing people out of the park and several of the crew and picture cars had to be left. It's weird hearing a cop scream at you "Leave right now or I'm going to start arresting people!" I was one of the last people to leave and when I pulled away, the fire had crested the hill and a giant wall of fire was roaring through the forest towards the parking lot. Scary stuff. Definately the closest I've been to a forest fire since moving to LA...crazy.
I had a couple friends with houses/apartments in and around the evacutation zone, some lost power...luckily fire was controlled enough that it really didn't leave the park.
Compared to that, the rest of my week was fairly tame. Waiting to see what the next gig is going to be. Watched some movies, some TV...Lost, Veronica Mars, and Heroes were all rockin' this week. Spidey 3 was kinda a let down...but I'll avoid saying too much else in case anyone in the free world hasn't seen it yet. Bruce Campbell was awesome...but disco dancing Peter Parker?? RAIMI???
Saw a fun burlesque/pyschobilly show at The Scene on Thursday with Perry. Check out Lightening Bill Woodcock on myspace...good dirty blues rock for the kids. Did some dancing with one of the go-go girls...good times.
Went with Mistress Sara to Purple Panther Tattoo on the Sunset Strip yesterday to get some work done and finally use some tattoo gift certificates I've had for forever. The pictures are posted in my pics section. Graham did an amazing job, particularly on the Jack. Don't really feel like getting in to the meaning...explained to too many people already this weekend.
Well I've got the usual mix of bars, bbq's, and birthday parties to look forward too this weekend. It'll be good to see everyone in case I end up going outta town.
Another crazy week. Worked on a commercial on Tuesday for OnStar. We were shooting in Griffith Park up near the carousel. While we were eating lunch we noticed smoke on the other side of the hill. Soon after ash started raining down on basecamp...really weird. The ground turned an errie shade of orange as the sun came through the smoke and fire. Our shoot fire marshal soon got a call that the small brush fire was spreading at an alarming rate, and headed right for our basecamp. We packed up in a hurry and headed off to our next shooting location.
The police started forcing people out of the park and several of the crew and picture cars had to be left. It's weird hearing a cop scream at you "Leave right now or I'm going to start arresting people!" I was one of the last people to leave and when I pulled away, the fire had crested the hill and a giant wall of fire was roaring through the forest towards the parking lot. Scary stuff. Definately the closest I've been to a forest fire since moving to LA...crazy.
I had a couple friends with houses/apartments in and around the evacutation zone, some lost power...luckily fire was controlled enough that it really didn't leave the park.
Compared to that, the rest of my week was fairly tame. Waiting to see what the next gig is going to be. Watched some movies, some TV...Lost, Veronica Mars, and Heroes were all rockin' this week. Spidey 3 was kinda a let down...but I'll avoid saying too much else in case anyone in the free world hasn't seen it yet. Bruce Campbell was awesome...but disco dancing Peter Parker?? RAIMI???
Saw a fun burlesque/pyschobilly show at The Scene on Thursday with Perry. Check out Lightening Bill Woodcock on myspace...good dirty blues rock for the kids. Did some dancing with one of the go-go girls...good times.
Went with Mistress Sara to Purple Panther Tattoo on the Sunset Strip yesterday to get some work done and finally use some tattoo gift certificates I've had for forever. The pictures are posted in my pics section. Graham did an amazing job, particularly on the Jack. Don't really feel like getting in to the meaning...explained to too many people already this weekend.
Well I've got the usual mix of bars, bbq's, and birthday parties to look forward too this weekend. It'll be good to see everyone in case I end up going outta town.
on a lighter note....
Glad you liked my set!