so i take back all my complaints about v day for and overwhelmingly awesometastic weekend:
thursday night i arrived and picked up mikey from work. we went to the fulton for burgers and beer and watched drunk guys watching male figure skating. so entertaining! "heh heh fucking faggot. he's wearing pink!" his brother almost busted us screwing around on the couch and it felt like high school all over again.
friday started with a delicious lunch at gibralter to make up for the shitty bar foo the previous night. then i went to see my lovely margot. had a great time eating and drinking and shopping at walmart for a hooker costume for mikey. friday night i hung out at jonny's witth a bunch of heads and played entirely too much ashshole far too quickly... in other words i was suddenly quite drunk and stoned. so i settled in at the hotel with mikey and misbehaved...
saturday was a great day. in the evening a whole bunch of friends came to preparty in my sleazy hotel. then dressed as lovely pimps and ho's we went off and partied our bums off.
sunday was hard waking up and putting on clothes and knowing it was my last few hours with mikey. thankfully we filled those hours with a "stroll" in the car and sushi! he's not sure he can visit this week and during next week's days off he's moving.
in other great news, i have an interview at irish eyes pub tonight and dogfish head brewery tomorrow. wish me luck!
thursday night i arrived and picked up mikey from work. we went to the fulton for burgers and beer and watched drunk guys watching male figure skating. so entertaining! "heh heh fucking faggot. he's wearing pink!" his brother almost busted us screwing around on the couch and it felt like high school all over again.
friday started with a delicious lunch at gibralter to make up for the shitty bar foo the previous night. then i went to see my lovely margot. had a great time eating and drinking and shopping at walmart for a hooker costume for mikey. friday night i hung out at jonny's witth a bunch of heads and played entirely too much ashshole far too quickly... in other words i was suddenly quite drunk and stoned. so i settled in at the hotel with mikey and misbehaved...
saturday was a great day. in the evening a whole bunch of friends came to preparty in my sleazy hotel. then dressed as lovely pimps and ho's we went off and partied our bums off.
sunday was hard waking up and putting on clothes and knowing it was my last few hours with mikey. thankfully we filled those hours with a "stroll" in the car and sushi! he's not sure he can visit this week and during next week's days off he's moving.
in other great news, i have an interview at irish eyes pub tonight and dogfish head brewery tomorrow. wish me luck!

Great news - good luck with you interview!!!