through some reading, i found out that there is a dillinger museum in hammond indiana. i gots to go . This could possibly be the most beautiful girl alive. I cant figure out how to download her pic ,but her name is michele hicks. Shes an actress in such movies as mullholland dr. and twin falls idaho. By the way twin falls idaho is a great movie alone, so check it out .
More Blogs
Thursday Jul 29, 2004
im still working on the camera, but i got one pic to work. -
Wednesday Jul 28, 2004
i think its time for a journey. ive always wanted to go to tibet. -
Monday Jul 26, 2004
tomorrow is a good and bad day. kinda like every other one . just don… -
Monday Jul 26, 2004
gotta help my sis move to nyc tomorroww. -
Saturday Jul 24, 2004
is there some place quiet we can meet? -
Friday Jul 23, 2004
i just realized i have the coolest pirate lamp in my room. -
Thursday Jul 22, 2004
my pup got sprayed by a skunk tonight, any suggestions. -
Thursday Jul 22, 2004
lady luck graced me with her prescence, as i cleaned up in the hold e… -
Thursday Jul 22, 2004
i had lady luck on my side last night , as i dismantled the rest of … -
Wednesday Jul 21, 2004
cant wait till friday sick show in wormtown.