I wasn't brave enough to get my haircut this week. Heh. I'll do it Monday...nervous, nervous. Ugh, it's weird because you look around and everyone has relatively descent haircuts, where are they getting them?? Surely not in Camden Town (unless they have to sell their souls in order to pay for a good one).
Anyhoo, the radiator is still broken and it is FREEZING in here! Arg. I'm not sure if we just moved into a place run by a crappy company or if all landlords suck here. I mean, we live in a room that is smaller than my brother's college dorm room, our radiator is broken, our toaster doesn't work, our water regulator doesn't work (and we have the burns to prove it), our washing/drying machine has destroyed all of our clothes, I don't have a decent coat for this cold rainy weather and I as mentioned my clothes are holey and frayed, our vacuum cleaner doesn't work, we have no money for movies or television or music, we eat the rice packets that my parents are kind enough to mail to us (can you hear the violin playing in the background?). How do people survive here? You must need lots and lots of money. I am just totally shocked moving here from Portland. I mean the second we'd mention something to our landlord, it would be fixed immediately. Not to mention, partying in Portland is way cooler (and more affordable) and the people are way cooler (NICER). I don't know, maybe I just haven't found my groove here yet. ?? That sounds lame.
Enough with the whining already! Tell me what's cool to do here! Seriously. How do people/poor researchers survive?? SGUK won't let me in because I don't keep up with my blogs and I guess I'm just not cool enough. yay.
Well, I've gots to get back to work.
Anyhoo, the radiator is still broken and it is FREEZING in here! Arg. I'm not sure if we just moved into a place run by a crappy company or if all landlords suck here. I mean, we live in a room that is smaller than my brother's college dorm room, our radiator is broken, our toaster doesn't work, our water regulator doesn't work (and we have the burns to prove it), our washing/drying machine has destroyed all of our clothes, I don't have a decent coat for this cold rainy weather and I as mentioned my clothes are holey and frayed, our vacuum cleaner doesn't work, we have no money for movies or television or music, we eat the rice packets that my parents are kind enough to mail to us (can you hear the violin playing in the background?). How do people survive here? You must need lots and lots of money. I am just totally shocked moving here from Portland. I mean the second we'd mention something to our landlord, it would be fixed immediately. Not to mention, partying in Portland is way cooler (and more affordable) and the people are way cooler (NICER). I don't know, maybe I just haven't found my groove here yet. ?? That sounds lame.
Enough with the whining already! Tell me what's cool to do here! Seriously. How do people/poor researchers survive?? SGUK won't let me in because I don't keep up with my blogs and I guess I'm just not cool enough. yay.
Well, I've gots to get back to work.

You can't get in SGUK coz you need two vouches and it seems that I'm the only person vouching for you. I'm sorry. It's nothing to do with your blogs etc.